Prayer & Confessions For Healing

Father, I am Your child. I am filled with Your Spirit. I believe that Jesus bore my sickness and carried my diseases, and I believe that by His stripes I was healed 2,000 years ago. It is DONE!

Right now, I accept that fact by faith. I believe that I am healed now, in the Name of Jesus.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I confess Your Word concerning health and healing. As I do, I believe that Your Word will not return to You void, but it will accomplish what it says. You Word is forever settled in heaven!

In the Name of Jesus, I believe that I am healed according to 1 Peter 2:24. Your Word says that Jesus Himself took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses (Matthew 8:17). Therefore, with great boldness and confidence, I stand on the authority of Your Word and declare that I am redeemed from the curse of sickness. I refuse to tolerate its symptoms.

Satan, I speak to you in Jesus' Name and I proclaim that your principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places are bound from operating against me in any way. I am loosed from your assignment. I am the property of Almighty God and I give you no place in me. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand.

Now, Father, I believe Your Word says that the angels of the Lord encamps round about me and delivers me from every evil work. No evil shall befall me, no plague of calamity shall come near my dwelling. With long life He satisfies me.

I confess that the Word abides in me and it is life and medicine to my flesh. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus operates in me, making me free from the law of sin and death. Death has no power over me!

I hold fast to my confession of Your Word and I stand immovable, knowing that health and healing are mine now, in Jesus' Name. I shall have whatsoever I say in Faith!

Confession for a Bad Report:
The Word says the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. Therefore, I will not have fear of this report! You have not given me a spirit of fear! I pray for healing, and I know my prayer has great power and produces wonderful results.

I realize that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in me and was given to me by God. I do not belong to myself, for You bought me with a high price. I’ll honor You with my body and take care of myself. Lord, send Your Word and heal me and snatch me from the door of death. I consider it all joy that this trouble has come my way because I know when my faith is tested, my endurance has a chance to grow.

Thank You, Lord, that You bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases when You died on the cross. By Your stripes, we are healed. I’ll pay careful attention to Your words and not lose sight of them. I’ll let them penetrate deep into my heart, for they bring life to those who find them and healing to their whole body. Praise God!

Healing Confession: 
I received healing when I received my salvation. Since I’m no longer under the curse of the law, I am free from the curse of sickness and disease. The Lord is faithful to heal all my diseases. He removes my sickness and restores me to complete health and wellness.

I release my faith now as I speak that by Jesus' stripes I am healed and confess my total healing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. My words will come to pass, and I believe that I have my healing now. I stand in faith knowing that no weapons formed against me will prosper.

I confess Jesus Christ as Lord over my life, spirit, soul and body. I receive the power of God to make me sound, whole, delivered, saved and healed now. I act on the Word of God and receive the power of God. Sickness, disease and pain, I resist you in the Name of Jesus. You’re not the will of God for me. I enforce the Word of God on you. I’ll not tolerate you in my life. Leave my presence. I’ll never allow you back.

My days of sickness and disease are over. I’m saved. I’m healed. The power of sickness has been forever broken over my life. Jesus bore my sickness, weakness and pain, and I’m free. Sickness shall no longer Lord it over me. Sin shall no longer lord it over me. Fear shall no longer lord it over me.

Evil addictions shall no longer lord it over me. I’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law and I proclaim my freedom in Jesus' Name, today. The gospel is the power of God to me unto salvation. I receive the gospel. I act on the gospel, and I am made whole, In Jesus' Name. Amen.

God’s Will to Heal (Keith Moore)
How do we know whether it’s God’s will to heal us or not? It makes little difference what others say about it. What did He say about it? Remember that God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10: 34) and He never changes (Mal. 3:6). So what He said to them yesterday, He is saying to you today. God’s word is God speaking to me. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

These statements are taken directly from the Bible with little or no variation. The verbs and construction have been changed to apply to you personally and to sum up the thoughts in some instances. Also, many of these statements are prefaced by phrases like, “If you walk in My commandments”, “If you believe…obey…” etc.

1) I am the Lord that healeth thee (Ex. 15:26).
2) Your days shall be one hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3).
3) You shall be buried in a good old age (Gen. 15:15).
4) You shall come to your grave in a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in his season (Job 5:26).
5) When I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you (Ex. 12:13).
6) I will take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days I will fulfill (Ex. 23: 25, 26).
7) I will not put any of the diseases you are afraid of on you, but I will take all sickness away from you (Deut. 7:15).
8) It will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven upon the earth (Deut. 11:9,21).
9) I turned the curse into a blessing unto you, because I loved you (Deut. 23:5 and Neh. 13:2).
10) I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague (Deut. 28:61 and Gal. 3:13).
11) As your days, so shall your strength be (Deut. 33:25).
12) I have found a ransom for you, your flesh shall be fresher than a child’s and you shall return to the days of your youth (Job 33:24,25)
13) I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave; I have kept you alive from going down into the pit (Ps. 30:1, 2).
14) I will give you strength and bless you with peace (Ps. 29:11).
15) I will preserve you and keep you alive (Ps. 41:2).
16) I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing; I will turn all your bed in your sickness (Ps. 41:3).
17) I am the health of your countenance and your God (Ps.43: 5).
18) No plague shall come near your dwelling (Ps. 91:10).
19) I will satisfy you with long life (Ps. 91:16).
20) I heal all your diseases (Ps. 103:3).
21) I sent My word and healed you and delivered you from your destruction (Ps. 107:20).
22) You shall not die, but live, and declare My works (Ps. 118:17).
23) I heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds (Ps. 147:3).
24) The years of your life shall be many (Pr. 4:10).
25) Trusting Me brings health to your navel and marrow to your bones (Pr. 3:8).
26) My words are life to you, and health/medicine to all your flesh (Pr. 4:22).
27) (My) good report makes your bones fat (Pr. 15:30).
28) (My) pleasant words are sweet to your soul and health to your bones (Pr. 16:24).
29) My joy is your strength. A merry heart does good like a medicine (Neh. 8:10; Pr.17:22).
30) The eyes of the blind shall be opened. The eyes of them that see shall not be dim (Isa. 32:3; 35:5).
31) The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The ears of them that hear shall hearken (Isa. 32:3; 35:5).
32) The tongue of the dumb shall sing. The tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly (Isa. 35:6; 32:4).
33) The lame man shall leap as a hart (Isa. 35:6).
34) I will recover you and make you to live. I am ready to save you (Isa. 38:16, 20).
35) I give power to the faint. I increase strength to them that have no might (Isa. 40:29).
36) I will renew your strength. I will strengthen and help you (Isa. 40:31; 41:10).
37) To your old age and gray hairs I will carry you and I will deliver you (Isa. 46:4).
38) I bore your sickness (Isa. 53:4).
39) I carried your pains (Isa. 53:4).
40) I was put to sickness for you (Isa. 53:10).
41) With My stripes you are healed (Isa. 53:5).
42) I will heal you (Isa. 57:19).
43) Your light shall break forth as the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily (Isa. 58:8).
44) I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds saith the Lord (Jer. 30:17).
45) Behold I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure you and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth (Jer. 33:6).
46) I will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick (Eze. 34:16).
47) Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live. And I shall put My Spirit in you and you shall live (Eze. 37:5,14).
48) Whithersoever the rivers shall come shall live. They shall be healed, and everything shall live where the river comes (Eze. 47:9).
49) Seek Me and you shall live (Amos 5:4, 6).
50) I have arisen with healing in My wings (beams) (Mal. 4:2).
51) I will, be thou clean (Mt. 8:3).
52) I took your infirmities (Mt. 8:17).
53) I bore your sicknesses (Mt. 8:17).
54) If you’re sick you need a physician. (I am the Lord your physician) (Mt. 9:12 & Ex. 15:26).
55) I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I heal them (Mt. 14:14).
56) I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 4:23).
57) According to your faith, be it unto you (Mt. 9:29).
58) I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 10:1 & Lk. 9:1).
59) I heal them all (Mt. 12:15 & Heb. 13:8).
60) As many as touch Me are made perfectly whole (Mt. 14:36).
61) Healing is the children’s bread (Mt. 15:26).
62) I do all things well. I make the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak (Mk. 7:37).
63) If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mk. 9:23; 11:23,24).
64) When hands are laid on you, you shall recover (Mk. 16:18).
65) My anointing heals the brokenhearted and delivers the captives, recovers sight to the blind, and sets at liberty those that are bruised (Lk. 4:18; Isa. 10:27; 61:1).
66) I heal all those who have need of healing (Lk. 9:11).
67) I am not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them (Lk. 9:56).
68) Behold, I give you authority over all the enemy’s power and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Lk. 10:19).
69) Sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed today (Lk. 13:16 & II Cor. 6:2).
70) In Me is life (Jn. 1:4).
71) I am the bread of life. I give you life (Jn. 6:33, 35).
72) The words I speak unto you are spirit and life (Jn. 6:63).
73) I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly (Jn. 10:10).
74) I am the resurrection and the life (Jn. 11:25).
75) If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (Jn. 14:14).
76) Faith in My name makes you strong and gives you perfect soundness (Acts 3:16).
77) I stretch forth My hand to heal (Acts 4:30).
78) I, Jesus Christ, make you whole (Acts 9:34).
79) I do good and heal all that are oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38).
80) My power causes diseases to depart from you (Acts 19:12).
81) The law of the Spirit of life in Me has made you free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2).
82) The same Spirit that raised Me from the dead now lives in you and that Spirit will quicken your mortal body (Rom. 8:11).
83) Your body is a member of Me (I Cor. 6:15).
84) Your body is the temple of My Spirit and you’re to glorify Me in your body (I Cor. 6:19, 20).
85) If you’ll rightly discern My body which was broken for you, and judge yourself, you’ll not be judged and you’ll not be weak, sickly or die prematurely (I Cor. 11:29-31).
86) I have set gifts of healing in My body (I Cor. 12:9).
87) My life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh (II Cor. 4:10,11)
88) I have delivered you from death, I do deliver you, and if you trust Me I will yet deliver you (II Cor. 1:10).
89) I have given you My name and have put all things under your feet (Eph. 1:21, 22).
90) I want it to be well with you and I want you to live long on the earth. (Eph. 6:3).
91) I have delivered you from the authority of darkness (Col. 1:13).
92) I will deliver you from every evil work (II Tim. 4:18).
93) I tasted death for you. I destroyed the devil who had the power of death. I’ve delivered you from the fear of death and bondage (Heb. 2:9, 14, 15).
94) I wash your body with pure water (Heb. 10:22; Eph. 5:26).
95) Lift up the weak hands and the feeble knees. Don’t let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let Me heal it (Heb. 12:12, 13).
96) Let the elders anoint you and pray for you in My name and I will raise you up (James 5:14, 15).
97) Pray for one another and I will heal you (Jas. 5:16).
98) By My stripes you were healed (I Pet. 2:24).
99) My Divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Me (II Pet. 1:3).
100) Whosoever will let him come and take of the water of life freely (Rev. 22:17).
101) Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. (III Jn. 2).

What Does a Healthy Person Look Like?
1. Vital Signs: Normal heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature. Good Blood Work.
2. Healthy Weight: Maintains a body weight within a healthy range for their age and height.
3. Muscle Strength: Demonstrates good muscle tone and strength. Strong Legs.
4. Flexibility: Has a good range of motion in joints and muscles. Painless joints: knees, hands, shoulders, feet, back etc. Free from arthritis, inflammation, and swelling.
5. Cardiovascular Fitness: Exhibits good endurance and cardiovascular health through aerobic activities. Strong heart, normal rhythm- free from arrhythmia & atrial fib, murmurs, and blockages. Normal blood flow. No strokes, aneurysms, or blockages.
6. Respiratory Health: Maintains lung capacity and efficient breathing. Excellent oxygen saturation.
7. Bones: Strong bones that resist fractures and osteoporosis.
8. Digestive System: Experiences regular digestion and bowel movements. Eat without help. Normal chewing & swallowing.
9. Hydration: Stays adequately hydrated with clear urine and minimal thirst. Normal bladder & kidney function. No Stones.
10. Skin Health: Has clear and well-moisturized skin. No excessive dryness or oiliness. Free from discoloration, blemishes, or spots. Free from cancers, ulcers, or scarring. Smooth youthful appearance. Wrinkle free. No allergic reactions or itching.
11. Immune Function: Shows resistance to infections and illnesses.
Free from sickness, disease, and seasonal allergies. Cancer free.
12. Good Posture: Maintains proper alignment of the spine and body.
13. Restful Sleep: Enjoys consistent, restorative sleep patterns.
14. Stable Blood Sugar: Maintains balanced blood sugar levels.
15. Cholesterol Levels: Maintains healthy levels of LDL and HDL cholesterol.
16. Sensory Health: Possesses good vision without cataracts, hearing, taste, smell, and other senses. No numbness or tingling. Normal response to textures, odors, sound, and stimulation.
17. No Chronic Pain: Experiences no pain and discomfort.
18. Reproductive: Exhibits normal reproductive and hormonal function. Normal Prostate. Healthy sexual health and function.
19. Regular Exercise: Engages in consistent physical activity and movement. Can walk, work, climb, play, and get around normally.
20. Nutritious Diet: Able to consume normal food without help. Free from indigestion and acid reflux. Free from digestive issues such as Crohn’s, I.B.S., and Constipation.
21. Cognitive ability: strong, clear, sharp mind. Clear good memory free from brain fogginess. Good judgment and perception. Healthy brain function. No mental illness, depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia, forgetfulness, etc.
22. Internal organs function normally. Normal thyroid function.